Re: (PM) 6 PM3 - Help subnetting

Jon Rust (
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 11:29:59 -0800

>We have 5 PM3 on a single Class C right now. But we need to add number 6.
>Went to do it and realized that we were out of IP's. The router and the
>switch, and all the PM3's are right now on the same class c.
>We just got a block of 4 consecutive class c's and was wondering the best
>way to set this up. We thought about taking a subnet from a totally
>different class C and using that for all the PM3 ethernet addresses and for
>the switch and the router. Then taking a different subnet (the 4
>consecutive class c's) and using them for dial-in customers only.

Each PM get's an address from the same subnet. (Use a switch!)

On each PM set the pool size to 48. (I'm assuming T1 here, not E1.)

Then set the assigned pool in 48 address chunks starting at a.b.c.16. PM3-1
gets a.b.c.16 - a.b.c.63. PM3-2 gets a.b.c.64 - a.b.c.111. This will work
through PM3-4, then you'll nee to start with a new /24.

>Right now we are using BGP4 for our external routing and thought about using
>OSPF for our internal routing of the dial-in customers.
>Is OSPF the way to go ? If so, how exactly would you go about setting it up
>? I have OSPF enabled on all of the PM3 now just in case. I think I just
>need to setup the areas.

Yes! Run OSPF. It's a piece of cake to set-up on PM3's.

>Is there a better way to go ? I want to try and use all IP's and not waste
>too many of them. Plus, what about a dial-in customer that wants a
>dedicated IP address ?

OSPF handles this just fine. You'll never need to think about it. You can
use the leftover space from the assignment /24's above (1-15, and 208-254).

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