(PM) Re: Bandwidth Monitoring Software

Khawar Nehal (knehal@bigfoot.com)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 15:29:59 +0500 (PKT)

Dear Mike,

I am interested in writing this system.
Please send exact details of requirements.
Even if SNMP is not supported, then it is possible to monitor bandwidth on
separate IP addresses using ipfwadm of Linux.

Other info is available through radius logs.

Graphing is possible through a method similar to the one used in MRTG.

Khawar Nehal

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, mike wrote:

> Greetings List,
> Regarding monitoring software , I would like to submit a request to any
> who may be lurking that could or would write ,or offer the following goodies
> in a monitoring package for PM3's NT or Linux.
> Wish List
> Per shelf : 1. Total data carried in and out
> 2. Total calls per shelf
> 3. Busy hour
> Per modem: 1. Total calls
> 2. Last call handled Time and Date
> 3. Duration of calls
> Flame on if you have too , I did scanned the lists I subscribe too , but
> have not seen what I want. I may want to much , I have tried MRTG on RH5.2
> and NT4.0 SP4, with not a great deal of success , probably my inexperience ,
> but if anyone knows if this animal exists or has even flame to help. I am
> still new at this so be gentle.
> With this information you could tell which modems were causing problems
> I.E. high hit rate but short call duration ,that could be seen on a daily
> abase with out having to boot daily or if you forget to write down call
> counts each day , maybe even forecasting ?
> Thanks all
> mike@cowtown.net
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