(PM) The good and the bad...

John Vozza (john@netrom.com)
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 16:19:48 -0500 (EST)

I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know that while I have been
posting about suspected issues with our PM3's I think they are an
excellent product and overall do a great job.

IMHO, anyone who is considering a PM3 purchase should do so with complete
confidence. I certainly plan on buying more and as a matter of fact I need
to purchase one now.... (hint, hint, to anyone selling a used one!)

Mailing lists tend to center around discussion of problems so you only
hear the negative. There is MUCH more positive with the PM3's then

<disclaimer>I get nothing for this post and have no relationship with
Lucent or their divisions. Just a satisfied customer.</disclaimer>

NetRom Internet Services 973-208-1339 voice
john@netrom.com 973-208-0942 fax

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