(PM) Location Table: ISDN Speed

Steve Coleman (scoleman2@csolutions.net)
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 22:06:00 -0700

Stupid question, can't find answer in the manuals. How do I set the ISDN
speed from 56k to 64k in the dialout location tables? All the ports are set
to 64k, but for some reason it initiates the call at 56k.

Thanks in advance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Shrimpton <craigs-portmaster@titan.os.com>
To: JohnD <jfd@ns2.prime-x.net>; portmaster-users@livingston.com
Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: (PM) filtering spammers

>I wouldn't even bother with a filter. It should be easy to figure out who
>the spammer is from your radius logs. Just compare the message time stamps
>to your detail file. As long as the violated SMTP server has an acurate
>clock, you'll have no trouble identifying the luser. In the case below,
>the user logged on to port on Sat, 21 Nov 1998
>16:10:44 -0500 (EST) is the bad boy
>When someone spams through our system, they are history. No second chance,
>no refunds, no arguments. Just gone.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: JohnD <jfd@ns2.prime-x.net>
>To: portmaster-users@livingston.com <portmaster-users@livingston.com>
>Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 7:38 PM
>Subject: (PM) filtering spammers
>>I've been receiving complaints of spam eminating from my system - see
>>example below. I searched my logs high & low and could not find a trace of
>>the spammer and then it dawned on me that they may be sending their spam
>>directly to other smtp servers, bypassing my mail servers. I began
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