Re: HCF modems no go against Livingston was Re: (PM) Fast connects,

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Mon, 23 Nov 98 10:30:19 -0600 said

>>I'm still wondering though (the question got sidetracked into stuff about
>>init strings and stuff): is it possible to use the HCF code for one modem
>>brand with another brand of modem? Anyone tried it?
>We have tried just about everything we can think of in terms of init
>strings with these modems... still the same problems.
>>There is no doubt there are issues with the PM3 modem code, we still have
>>a disproportionate amount of problems, but there is no doubt either that
>>the earlier HCF software versions suck so hard they create a vacuum, as
>>one person put it.
>For sure these modems suck, but sadly they seem to suck less against
>our competitors Ascends and Ciscos....
No, they do suck all right. I actually had a confused would be customer
come over here Sunday night after not being able to get connected on
Saturday night. I had told him that he should take his new Compaq back
to Best Buy and get a different brand. Anyway he came over to see if we
had any special software, etc. to make his modem work. We had to
reiterate and explained that DUN and IE are not the problem, it is the
Comcrap modem. He said that he would take it back and just go back to
reading books.. (Way to go Compaq) The consumer needs to be more informed
about the junk that is out there. It really is possible to buy something
that does not work.

Here is what is really interesting about this particular HCF experience.
Yes we have PM3's but this guy tried three of our competitors, as well.
In addition he tried the garbage that comes installed on his Comcrap,
including AOL, Earthlink, and Sprint. AOL said it was the Compaq! Boy,
ya think all of these carriers are also using PM3's? This closes any
doubt in my mind. I stand behind my investment and so should everyone
else. No Compaqs Allowed here anymore!


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