Re: (PM) Incompatible Modems

Kimmo Jaskari (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:37:59 +0200 (EET)

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, I don't work for Lucent RABU wrote:

> > Is anyone else having a lot of modem compatiblity issues and if so have=
> > resolved them?
> Yes there are MANY issues... unfortunately, what may work for one site
> doesn't always hold true for another.

> Other issues v.8bis tone confusing v.90 (use 1-6 commas to work-around),

I've never seen this work reliably yet... I've tried it a few times, it
has helped slightly, but it never gives a reliable, repeatable connection.=
Most customers don't accept having to dial up 5 times to get online,
especially around here where the initial connect charge is fairly high.
A failed connect directly costs them money, and having to do more than
one or two caused by the occasional failure is usually not something they

The "comma trick" seems to me like a last-ditch desperate attempt to work
around an incompatible modem, and not really something that you can
suggest to customers as a solution. I'd say _firmware upgrade_ as main
help, followed by controlling the modem with an init-string.



---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+ Kimmo Jaskari | =C5LCOM - =C5lands Datakommunikation Ab = | E-mail: | | | Phone: +358-(0)18-12122 | ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------+

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