Re: (PM) SNMP, User times and kicking people offline

Tom T. Thai (
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 14:03:09 -0600 (CST)

> Is there an SNMP setting to check peoples online times and do some checks
> to see if they are over a certain limit and reset their port? (Pm3's and
> Pm4's)
> We are using PMWHO (I also modified PMWHO so it works for the PM4) but it
> seems sometimes the telnet sessions hang. We want to get something thats a
> little more reliable.
> Is there any other way to do this automatically?

you could use something like a patched Cistron radius and:
* authenticate from mysql (or whatever SQL)
* log sessions to sql
* first check user/pwd if ok then
* have Cistron check for avail time left from sql table, if got time left
* set session timeout
* send auth ok to RAS
* when user logs off, update user_time_left table.

you'll also need a cron job to reset the above table after each month (if
you bill monthly.)

I hope that was of some help.

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