Re: (PM) Mac wont connect

John W Baxter (
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 09:37:07 -0800

At 20:10 -0600 11/13/98, Mia's Virtual Post Office wrote:
>What's ever changing about it? Very little has changed since it first
>came out, aside from going from B&W to Color.

3 folder tabs to four, moving modem setup, I think it was.

FreePPP Dialer appears and disapears as versions change (or as something

>>And I'll never install their menu thing on any Mac of mine.
>The menu is the best thing about it!

There are many many wrong ways to install system-wide menus. There is a
right way, with FreePPP is probably using now. My machines have all been
more stable with as few of the darn things as possible. (I have one at the
moment, since Claris Organizer won't do alarms without it.)

>We recently signed up a user with a ShotGun Modem. He connects no
>problem and all works fine, except one small problem. Typically in
>RADIUS you would set the Port Limit to "2" for Multilink, however when I
>do this when the user connects and the shotgun opens the second port I
>get the Session Tracker Alert! What am I doing wrong? I need to have
>the session tracker on to keep others from doing mulitple logons, however
>I also need the Multilink user to be able to open the second session
>without getting this alert. Am I misconfiguring something in MacRADIUS?
>I have set the Port Limit to 2 in the Configuring window. And have it
>set for "Send" should it be "Check" What am I missing?

Sorry, I've never run (or seen) MacRADIUS.

We use Macs for administration (although one of mine runs MkLinux most of
the time)...we run Unix for the servers.

But it sounds like MacRADIUS session tracker doesn't understand that two
sessions with the same username and IP are not the same as two sessions
with the same username but different IPs. If that's the case, it would
seem that a revision to MacRADIUS is in order. [Further discussions of
this part of the message should move to the RADIUS list.]


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.
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