(PM) Is it a bug?

Miguel Correia Lima (miguel@triang.com.br)
Sat, 1 Aug 1998 02:28:15 -0300 (EST)

Hello all,

We are using PM3 with 3.8.beta17 and radius received:

Sat Aug 1 02:18:00 1998
Acct-Session-Id = "1300017B"
User-Name = "XxXxXx"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 10
NAS-Port-Type = Async
Acct-Status-Type = Stop
Acct-Session-Time = 7159
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
Connect-Info = "50666 LAPM/V42BIS"
Acct-Input-Octets = 170700
Acct-Output-Octets = 5385317
Called-Station-Id = "4222"
Calling-Station-Id = "XxXxXxXx"
Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request
Vendor-Specific = ""
Service-Type = Framed-User
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Acct-Delay-Time = 0
Timestamp = 901948680
Request-Authenticator = Unverified <<<<<<<<<<<<======

What means "Request-Authenticator = Unverified" ?????
Its a bug or a configuration mistake?

Radius using "-x" shows : "accounting: client gw-pm04.triang.com.br
sent accounting-request with invalid request authenticator".

Best regards,
______ _ __
Miguel Correia Lima /_ __/____(_)___ _____ ____ ___ __/ /___
miguel@triang.com.br / / / ___/ / __ `/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / / __ \
Technical Department / / / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ /
Phone/Fax : +55-34-216-4251 /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__, /\__,_/_/\____/
Coligui Ltda Internet /____/ Provider
PGP KEY AVAILABLE http://www.triang.com.br

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