(PM) Re: (RADIUS) subnetting (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:07:36 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Rick Davidson shaped the electrons to say...
>I would like to understand this. using the above info, if I "set
>user-netmask on"
>then add the Framed-IP-Address = (not the network address as

Yeah, I forgot to mention that the first time...

>and Framed-IP-Netmask = the framed route statement would
>not be necessary and the proper route would be propagated into my ospf
>tables by the pm3?

Yes. It will apply the netmask to the IP on the interface and the proper
route is automagically created in the routing table.

>when certain accounts would dial in, was this because i was manually
>inserting routes? the problems went away when i disabled user-netmask.

Most likely you may have a bad netmask set on some user or users, or an
oddball address. Or perhaps the manually inserted route was overlapping
with one created for a user with a set netmask. I know that you can use
both methods simultaneously withouyt conflict, so something was wrong in
one of the settings - I'd be sure of it.

>i have about 20 users recieving various subnets, is there anything i should
>watch for when i change the radius entries?

Make sure any and all users who are NOT supposed to be getting special subnets
are getting Framed-IP-Netmaks = Also, make sure the subnets
you assign aren't accidentally overlapping with the PM's IP pool, or any
other IP user for that matter.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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