(PM) Ugly debugging tool - example output

Curtis Coleman (curtis.lst.portmaster.users@imap.pangea.ca)
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 14:50:47 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, Curtis Coleman wrote:
> It runs continuously, and creates files like 8885551212 in the dump
> dir after the end of each session, with output somewhat suitable for
> Lucington's dring.

It occured to me that I never really explained what Tele.pl actually
does. Tele connects to a portmaster, turns on a variety of debug
options, and attempts to associate the output from the S-port and M-odem
back to the dialing number.

- Reads ISDN-D output, extracting the D channel, B channel, calling &
called phone numbers.

- Reads ISDN output, specifically "Received Connect", which creates an
association between the S-port and the D/B pair, and hence the
calling/called numbers using the info obtained above. All further
S-port output is appended to a buffer for the session, which later
serves as Tele's output.

- Reads MDP output, specifically "Sn: Modem Mn connecting", which
creates an association between the M-odem and the S-port, and hence
the calling/called numbers using the info obtained above. All
further M-odem output is appended to the buffer for the session.

- Apon disconnect, specifically "Sn: Received Clear Conf", the buffer
containing the S-port and M-odem output for the session is dumped
(appended) to a file named after the client's phone number (dialing
number), and then forgets all the associations made.

This has the potential to use a lot of memory on the host Tele is
running on, specifically with clients using LCP-Echo, as each instance
of Tele is buffering debug output for ~46 concurrent connections.

Here's an example of the output:
DOCK THEY CONNECTED TO: pm3-2.foobar.com
TIME THE SESSION STARTED: Thu Jul 30 16:00:07 1998
TIME THE SESSION ENDED: Thu Jul 30 16:15:23 1998
S9: Called-Station-ID <9876543> Caller-Station-ID <8885551212>
S9: Modem M34 bound
S9: Sending Request Connect - 64Kbps / Voice (B16 ID:24ff)
S9: Received Connect - B16
S9: Modem M34 connecting
M34: mdp_bind: (S9) dsl_id 0 ch_n 16 slot 21
M34: mdp2_activate: S9 ANSWER
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S9 of 24 bytes containing:
01 01 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 98 ce a6 9e
07 02 08 02 03 04 c0 23
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S9 of 20 bytes containing:
02 01 00 18 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06 98 ce a6 9e
07 02 08 02 03 04 c0 23
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 19 bytes containing:
01 02 00 17 02 06 00 0a 00 00 05 06 00 9a 94 10
07 02 08 02 0d 03 06
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 7 bytes containing:
04 02 00 07 0d 03 06
Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
01 03 00 14 02 06 00 0a 00 00 05 06 00 9a 94 10
07 02 08 02
Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S9 of 20 bytes containing:
02 03 00 14 02 06 00 0a 00 00 05 06 00 9a 94 10
07 02 08 02
S9: LCP Open
Received PAP_AUTH_REQ on port S9 of 20 bytes containing:
Sending PAP_AUTH_ACK to port S9 of 22 bytes containing:
02 02 00 16 11 4c 6f 67 69 6e 20 53 75 63 63 65
65 64 65 64 0d 0a
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
01 01 00 10 02 06 00 2d 0f 00 03 06 xx xx xx xx
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 36 bytes containing:
01 01 00 28 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 00 00 00 00
81 06 00 00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00
00 00 84 06 00 00 00 00
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 10 bytes containing:
04 01 00 0a 84 06 00 00 00 00
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S9 of 12 bytes containing:
02 01 00 10 02 06 00 2d 0f 00 03 06 xx xx xx xx
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 30 bytes containing:
01 02 00 22 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 00 00 00 00
81 06 00 00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00
00 00
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
03 02 00 10 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 xx xx xx xx
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 30 bytes containing:
01 03 00 22 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 00 00 00 00
81 06 00 00 00 00 82 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 xx xx
xx xx
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 10 bytes containing:
04 03 00 0a 82 06 00 00 00 00
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 24 bytes containing:
01 04 00 1c 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 00 00 00 00
81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 xx xx xx xx
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
03 04 00 10 03 06 xx xx xx xx 81 06 xx xx xx xx
Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 24 bytes containing:
01 05 00 1c 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 xx xx xx xx
81 06 cc 70 65 01 83 06 xx xx xx xx
Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S9 of 28 bytes containing:
02 05 00 1c 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 06 xx xx xx xx
81 06 cc 70 65 01 83 06 xx xx xx xx
S9: IPCP Open
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 2 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 2 dloss 0 rob 0
Received LCP_TERMINATE_REQUEST on port S9 of 0 bytes containing:
05 04 00 04
Sending LCP_TERMINATE_ACK to port S9 of 4 bytes containing:
06 02 00 04
M34: mdp_deactivate: from S9
M34: mdp_deactivate: port(S9) released
M34: mdp2_psm: INIT dp 51a2 in_mbx 51ae out_mbx 51f0
S9: Sending Disconnect Request
M34: mdp2_psm: DLOAD
S9: Received Clear Conf (B16 ID:24ff)

What I give my support staff is a CGI interface to this information,
which effectively runs dring on the output, but modified slightly to
retain some sanity:

DOCK THEY CONNECTED TO: pm3-2.foobar.com
TIME THE SESSION STARTED: Thu Jul 30 16:00:07 1998
TIME THE SESSION ENDED: Thu Jul 30 16:15:23 1998

S9: Called-Station-ID <9876543> Caller-Station-ID <8885551212>
S9: Modem M34 bound
S9: Sending Request Connect - 64Kbps / Voice (B16 ID:24ff)
S9: Received Connect - B16
S9: Modem M34 connecting
M34: mdp_bind: (S9) dsl_id 0 ch_n 16 slot 21
M34: mdp2_activate: S9 ANSWER
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S9 of 24 bytes containing
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 24 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x00000000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x98CEA69E]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password Authentication Protocol [0xC023]

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S9 of 20 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 01, 24 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x00000000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x98CEA69E]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
Authentication-Protocol [0x03], length: (4 bytes), Password Authentication Protocol [0xC023]

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 19 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 02, 23 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x000A0000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x009A9410]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)
Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 7 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 02, 7 bytes.
Callback [0x0D], length: (3 bytes), [0x06]

Received LCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 03, 20 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x000A0000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x009A9410]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)

Sending LCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S9 of 20 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 03, 20 bytes.
Async-Control-Character-Map [0x02], length: (6 bytes), [0x000A0000]
Magic-Number [0x05], length: (6 bytes), [0x009A9410]
Protocol-Field-Compression [0x07], length: (2 bytes)
Address-and-Control-Field-Compression [0x08], length: (2 bytes)

**** S9: LCP Open

Received PAP_AUTH_REQ on port S9 of 22 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 22 bytes.
Login ID: foobar (6 bytes), [0x666f6f626172]
Password: (not shown) (contains: lowercase letter(s), uppercase letter(s), number(s), 10 bytes)

Sending PAP_AUTH_ACK to port S9 of 22 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 02, 22 bytes.
Message: Login Succeeded
(17 bytes),

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 16 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F00]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 36 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 01, 40 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary NBNS Server Address [0x84], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 10 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 01, 10 bytes.
Secondary NBNS Server Address [0x84], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK on port S9 of 12 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 01, 16 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F00]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 30 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 02, 34 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), []

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 03, ID: 02, 16 bytes.
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 30 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 03, 34 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_REJECT to port S9 of 10 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 04, ID: 03, 10 bytes.
Primary NBNS Server Address [0x82], length: (6 bytes), []

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 24 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 04, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), []
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), []
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_NAK to port S9 of 16 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 03, ID: 04, 16 bytes.
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Received IPCP_CONFIGURE_REQUEST on port S9 of 24 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 01, ID: 05, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

Sending IPCP_CONFIGURE_ACK to port S9 of 28 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 02, ID: 05, 28 bytes.
IP-Compression-Protocol [0x02], length: (6 bytes), Van Jacobson Compressed TCP/IP [0x002D0F01]
IP-Address [0x03], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]
Primary DNS Server Address [0x81], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]
Secondary DNS Server Address [0x83], length: (6 bytes), [x.x.x.x]

**** S9: IPCP Open

M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 0 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 0 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 1 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 2 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 26400 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 1 dloss 0 rob 0
M34: mdp2_psm: RX 28800 TX 28800 ret 3 ren 2 dloss 0 rob 0

Received LCP_TERMINATE_REQUEST on port S9 of 0 bytes containing
Packet Info: Code: 05, ID: 04, 4 bytes.

Sending LCP_TERMINATE_ACK to port S9 of 4 bytes containing:
Packet Info: Code: 06, ID: 02, 4 bytes.

M34: mdp_deactivate: from S9
M34: mdp_deactivate: port(S9) released
M34: mdp2_psm: INIT dp 51a2 in_mbx 51ae out_mbx 51f0
S9: Sending Disconnect Request
M34: mdp2_psm: DLOAD
S9: Received Clear Conf (B16 ID:24ff)

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