Re: (PM) PM3 OSPF problemo

Sami Laine (
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:39:36 +0300 (EEST)

> On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, Russell Heilling wrote:
> > It looks like you have set an assigned address as xxx.yyy.zzz.1 with
> > a pool-size of 62, if you want it to advertise the /26 you need to
> > set the assigned to xxx.yyy.zzz.0 with a pool size of 64, it will
> > assign .0 as a host but will handle it (unlike USR TC racks which
> > barf on the .0)
> I wouldn't do that. Although the PM3 has no problem handling and
> routing .0 addresses, you can't count on every router in the world doing
> that.

I agree fully with Tom on this one. It's not a good idea to use x.y.z.0 for
host address.

> I would instead leave the first subnet of a class available for a LAN
> user, and start at the next subnet.

I'd love to use all addresses if possible, using lower and upper networks
for dialin users would raise used addresses from 120 to 240 (which is much
better, IMHO).

Is there any other way to force pm to announce /26 network instead of
smaller pieces?


Sami Laine

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