(PM) Need help w/ debugging a PM3

Henrik Johansson (hj@globecom.net)
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 12:14:11 +0200 (CEST)


a couple of days ago, we started to get some serious trouble w/ one of the
POPs. It's 2 full PM-3A-2E running 3.8b13 connected via PRI's to a Nokia
DX 200. The PM3s are actually located in the same room as the DX 200. Now,
a couple of days ago, a lot of people have started calling our support
complaining about not beeing able to connect any longer. They have to try
over and over again, and after perhaps 7 tries, it works. Even our own
office nearby have the same problem when connecting via modem.

I have started to do some debugging, but to be honest, the debugging ain't
that good on the PM3s. Is there really no way of redirecting the debugging
info to a syslog host? Right now, it's really hard to see what you're
looking for. Second, as soon as I turn on the console (set console), I
start receiving quite a lot of these messages, wheter or not I have turned
on debugging or not:

(S2) PPP recv: BAD CRC - mdp M0
(S2) PPP recv: BAD CRC - mdp M0
(S2) PPP recv: BAD CRC - mdp M0

Now, they're pretty annoying. First, what do they mean, are they serious?
Second, can I turn the messages off somehow?

Second, when speaking to a customer on the phone, it would be nice to know
which of the incoming calls that's actually the customers, is that
possible somehow? Another POP we have, is based on Ascend 4000, and that
logs Caller ID etc to syslog, which makes it way easier to debug, is that
possible to do somehow on the PM3, syslog or not?

In short, when you do debugging etc, what do you do really? I've checked
the PRIs, and they look good;

pm3-1> sh line0
---------------------- line0 - E1 Primary Rate ISDN ---------------

Status: UP F1 Framing: CRC4 Encoding: HDB3 PCM: a-law

Bipolar 0
CRC4 0
E-bit 0
FAS bit 0

and the same for line1. As you see, no counted violations. I'm actually
stuck at what the problem could be. I mean, a lot of people can still
connect etc, so it's not like it isn't working at all. Could it be a
switch problem? I have spoken to the telco guys, and they have said they
do have some problems w/ the switch, but not anything that they think is
connectd to our problems.

Anyhow, any help is appriciated.


Henrik Johansson
GlobeCom AB
Gothenburg, Sweden

Henrik Johansson email: hj@globecom.net tel: +46 (0)31-727 57 00
Systems Manager mobile: +46 (0)708-27 57 03 fax: +46 (0)31-727 57 15
GlobeCom AB PGP-Key: http://www.one.se/~hj/pgp/ http://globecom.net/

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