Re: (PM) Portmaster mem

Thomas C Kinnen (
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 08:26:32 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998, James Lunghabo wrote:

> My complaint is about the speed it takes to authenticate. I have tried
> using the radius -b option to no avail.

I think I asked before but what else is going on on your Radius box? What
OS and version of Radius? have you tried 'top' if it is installed to see
if it is just eating CPU time? have you tried 'radiusd -x' to see if
there are a nuber of errors or retries?

> PS: I dont have no manuals here. The previous admin must have lost them. I
> tried contacting Livingston concerning that and when I sent them my
> serial numbers, all they did was to tell me that they are not in their
> records. So I am back to zero :(

All the manuals on-line and for download and html, pdf, and ps.

You can also order hard copies or a copy of the PortMaster CD which has
them, all release software, and ComOS.


Thomas C Kinnen - <> <>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
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