(PM) Retrain problems...

Eric Calvert (eric@caveland.net)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 15:49:25 -0500

My setup:

PM-3, ComOS 3.8b15.

Customer setup:

56KFlex modem with init string +MS=,,33600,42000


Customer could connect but was getting disconnected
almost immediately. I had her login while I watched
on PMVision. It showed a 44K connect and retrained
four times in about 7-8 minutes. It would "waffle"
between 44K and 42K. Then, she was abruptly
disconnected. I had her add the +MS init string shown
above. She now connects at 42K and seems to stay
connected, but is still getting a retrain about every
2 minutes. Also, after every retrain, she is still
at 42K. She may not have the absolute latest modem
code, but I'm pretty sure it's version 1.009 or above.


Do I simply need to lower her receive rate some more,
or is there something else I should be looking at?


Eric Calvert
Caveland Connection
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