(PM) T1-CT1 signalling

Thu, 23 Jul 1998 09:39:24 -0500

I've been trying to setup a remote POP and have been getting
nowhere with GTE. They won't backhaul DCS to me from a neighboring
CO (tariff excuses). One of the local GTE techies has told me that
if I could find closet space in that town, I could run the CT-1 to
that location then haul the data via T-1 to me. He said I would just
run cable between the 2 DSUs and wouldn't need any other equipment
there. Now I'm a bit clueless on telco signalling but wouldn't I need
to multiplex the CT-1 to the T-1 line and then demux at my location to
supply the PM3 with the proper channels? Isn't the signalling between
a data T-1 and a channelized T-1 different enough that some kind of
interface would need to be between them? Or am I better off putting
a PM3 with a WAN card in a rented closet? (maintaining equipment in 2
locations is my last choice)



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