Re: (PM) New website looks ok - but has several issues. (fwd)

I don't work for Lucent RABU (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:04:56 -1000 (HST)

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time I don't work for Lucent RABU shaped the electrons to say...
> >On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Eric Launder wrote:
> >> >Just don't let any marketing folks make them add MORE images or scripting,
> >> >that would just degrade things.
> >> Oh heaven forbid!!!! Don't let anyone in marketing touch the web
> >> page...such simpletons could never understand the overwhelming complexities
> >> of the web and proper html formatting!!!!!
> >WHAT!?!!? I'm offensive by that remark!! ;) I don't care for
> Sherwood, Eric was using a literary structure known as sarcasm. I think he
> was rather incensed by more comment, which I still stand by. See, Eric is
> in the Marketing part of Lucent RABU - though I don't know why he would have
> taken my comment personally. I've always wondered why people seem so eager
> to believe a general comment is aimed at them in particular. But anyway...

I thought so which is why the 'offensive' and not offended and the

Aloha from Paradise,


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