(PM) New Web Site

Wed, 22 Jul 1998 18:04:56 -0500

> I am also very tired of reading about
> complaints about the friggin' web site. If its too slow for you, get a
> faster net connection, or don't go at all. As far as I know, doing FTP
> doesn't require you to go to the web site (or did nobody tell you?) The
> web site does not make the company, so who cares anyway? I can't conceive
> that anyone would stop buying a product simply because the web site takes
> too long to load??? LUDICROUS!

There are far more problems then the slow loading. If you have a
look you will see. Their website for many people is the first image
and impression a potential customer gets. Any marketing or
business person will tell you that if the website design sucks and
you get many javascript errors and missing images on the page
among other current problems I now see, one might wonder if they
have that many hassles with the products they sell too. The
bottom line in web design is to support the major browsers of
potential visitors, keep page size to an acceptable level as people
hate to wait and you lose their interest. Before putting a web page
online it should be tested with different browsers to ensure it
functions correctly. I am quite sure some of the talk was
constructive criticism and not just pissing and moaning.
Jon Clemons
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