Re: (PM) New website looks ok - but has several issues. (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 15:25:36 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Eric Launder shaped the electrons to say...
>Oh heaven forbid!!!! Don't let anyone in marketing touch the web
>page...such simpletons could never understand the overwhelming complexities
>of the web and proper html formatting!!!!!

Obviously not. Or can you tell me with a straight face that someone
from engineering pushed for the change to the site, including all the images,
rollovers, scripts, etc?

That's it, Andy came over and browbeat the web group into adding all that...

Somehow I really doubt that is what happened. Now, looking at the changes
as they were made, and based on my time as the webmaster there and the
repeated requests I had to add images, use color palletes that looked like
hell online, and all the rest, I'm sure this was a marketing decisions.

Now, I don't put everyone in marketing in the same boat - quite a few people
who happen to fall under that management banner understand. I've always
placed you, Eric, in the group that did. Along with Alex, Joe Sasek, Marty,
and others (I'm not going to attempt to list everyone because 1 - I suck with
names in general and 2 - I'd leave someone off and make even MORE enemies).
An example of someone who JUST DIDN'T GET IT - Bruce Byrd.

Look, I said I liked the look of the new site. It has some problems in Lynx
and in Netscape when I run with JavaScript off. I just got off the phone with
May, and we've worked out fixes to just about all the problems related to that.
She's in the process of trying to find a machine with IE 3.x on it to test
that too. Unfortunately MS has seen fit to do everything in their power to
prevent you from running 3.x AND 4.x on the same box, or to downgrade. Both
of my Win95 units have 4.x on them. But I do have access to Lynx 2.5, 2.6,
2.7, and 2.8. And at home I have NS 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x. I'm going to try all
of those when I get home and let her know how that goes too.

But every rollover takes two images - mouseon and mouseoff. Adding a slew
of those is an easy way to increase the page size and load time. Bobby
already shows its total load time estimate of 31.76 seconds on a 28.8 modem.
30 seconds is consider the higher end of what you want. Most users will not
wait longer than 30 seconds ofr a page to load. So I was series when I advised
against adding more images - and experience tells me such a request would be
a marketing one.


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