Re: (PM) New website

Don Lashier (
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 00:56:02 -0700

On 7/21/98, at 9:33 PM, I don't work for Lucent RABU wrote:

>I'm putting out a call for people to e-mail me on whether they
>do [ ]
>do not [ x]
>like Lucent RABUs new site
>and other commentaries...

It's totally hosed under Explorer 3.02, text overwrites itself
and all sorts of stuff. Works ok in NS4, but I think the new
site is butt-ugly. And why do they need all that java code
anyway, java is for the server side - client side java is passe -
plus a lot of people have it turned off or use browsers that
don't support it, or where it's broken, like with Explorer.

It seems to be the antithesis of the Livingston philosophy -
the KISS philosophy, lean and mean and functional. Hope this
disease doesn't spread to the product line!


Don Lashier
Newport Internet

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