(PM) Re: suprasonic 336V+ init string

L'Equipe du Royaume (gestion@royaume.com)
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 08:09:50 -0400

more informations:

1-the modems are on our side
2-almost everyone has this problem
3-it can happen after 5 minutes or one hour or never
4-most of the time if I look at the windows's modemlog.txt in the
clients computer it tells me that the remote modem has hung up and that
there no carrier.
5-It drives me crazy


> > Hi
> >
> > We have disconnection problems with the following supra modem:
> >
> > V1.440-12-V34_DS
> > SupraSonic 336V+
> > Built: June 18 1996 14:45:48
> >
> > Does anyone know of any great init. string or other problem solver.
> >
> > ver>
> > Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2
> This is modem is on your side or the customers side?
> What is the disconnect reason from your customers side?
> Is it a regular thing like every 20 minutes or is it intermittant?
> Does it happen to everyone or just a few?
> 8) debugging does require a _full_ amount of information... or it's just
> blind attacks versus the problem...
> - --
> Aloha from Paradise,
> Sherwood
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