Re: (PM) The Reboot of the PM3's, Too many collisions?

Chris Adams (
20 Jul 1998 18:38:27 GMT

According to David Fisher <>:
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> Here is the show netstat and version of each of my four portmaster
>3's. I am wondering if anyone else is having a lot of collisions on their
>network, or is the PM3's reporting a lot of network collisions.

Well, you are generating a fair amount of traffic. For example, the
first PM-3 you list (pm3-1) is sending out 41 packets per second. That
is a lot of traffic, especially if you have other boxes generating that
kind of traffic (which it looks like you do). That box is getting a
little over 7% collision rate, which is not too bad. Once it gets over
about 10-12% you probably need to start looking at an ethernet switch.

> If you will notice I have also listed my USR Total Control Rack, which
>has been up more then 100 days and with NO collisions.

The USR must be busted (probably buggy software). There is almost no
way a box could be connected to a non-switched ethernet network, be
sending 20+ packets/sec, and not ever get a collision.

> I am wondering if this has been causing the reboot of the PM3's? The
>only one that has not rebooted since I installed ComOS v3.8b17, which
>by the way has been the most stable ComOS yet, was the fourth and
>last PM3.

Well, PM3s are known to be sensitive to collisions. If they get too
many collisions they will sometimes reboot.

> The previous ComOS v3.8b15 rebooted a lot more often. Now the 1st,
>2nd, and 3rd PM3's only rebooted once so far. But I am wondering if
>Lucent/Livingston has set a hard reboot option when you reach so many
>collisions. Also, why does my USR have no collisions and the PM3 has
>lots? They are all only the same network, same Ethernet, with the same
>3Com SuperStack II Hub.

I think 3.8b15 had another problem that caused reboots as well. Have
you tried running 3.7.2c3, the current (non-beta) release software? As
far as I have heard, it does not have the reboot problems that some
other versions have (with the exception of the sensitivity to
collisions). I have not seen any reboot problems with 3.7.2c3 or with
3.8b13, but my PM3s are on a switch (3Com SuperStack II Desktop Switch).

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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