(PM) Analog Dialout Dilemma

Coleman,Clayton L. (lcoleman@foxboro.com)
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:15:38 -0400


Last week I was working on configuring the PortMaster 3 for dialout
access FROM the network via a TCP/IP modem driver --- ACCOMPLISHED,
thanks to the help of Ed @ Lucent. Now, I'm faced with another
situation where possibly someone has experience.

Part of my reason for needing dialout access from the LAN to the world
was that we have some remote sites we want to RAS into via the PM3.
Unfortunately, the "virtual modems" that are setup aren't dialing analog
-- just ISDN. How can I set up a port, say S0 for example, to dialout
ONLY analog? Our ISDN sites all have the OR-U's and we're not using
them w/RAS, just dialout locations. We need the virtual modems we
created in the PM3 to dial only analog. Is this possible? Maybe there
is an init string I need when telnetting in and dialing out from the



Clayton L. Coleman, Systems Network Specialist
The Foxboro Company

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