Re: (PM) More on 3.8b17

Chris Adams (
20 Jul 1998 05:37:37 GMT

According to Erich Reinecker <>:
>The issuance of B17 (heck call is a B52) borders on
>being an Ascend fiasco.

Except that at Ascend, it would have been a full release. Remember
folks, this is BETA SOFTWARE!!!!! From the release notes for 3.8b17:

This open beta release is recommended only for customers who wish to
test the new functionality before the FCS release of ComOS 3.8,
particularly for V.90 dial-in.

Note the word "test". If it doesn't work, let Lucent know and go back
to a release version.

I've been interested in the V.90 code, but I have not loaded a beta
version of ComOS. The people that dial in here are not beta testers,
they are paying customers. When we've explained that V.90 code is in
beta test and not ready yet, they have understood that. Other than
that, they've been happy with the service from our PM3s running release
code (except for the occasional problem from the telcos!).

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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