Jon Lewis (
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 13:12:58 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Al Hopper wrote:

> > I think you misinterpretted him. If ComOS were to default to the
> > equivalent of "set debug off, reset con" on termination of a telnet
> > session, this would be a non-issue...and this is what people seem to have
> > expected, which is why they're calling this a bug.

Now that I'm rereading this, I see I was just as unclear as the first guy.
Let me restate what I think we both meant.

Have ComOS default to doing a "set debug off, reset con" on termination of
a telnet session iff that session is responsible for any debugging
currently turned on. There should then be a "set debug persist" command
that can be issued to disable the "kill debugging on close" feature.

This way, say admin1 is logged into pm1 doing some debugging. Admin2 logs
in to kick some 14.4 luser off the digital dialup number to make more room
for 56k users. Admin2 logs out, and because he didn't mess with any
debugging, admin1's debugging is not affected. Admin1 then logs out
forgetting to turn off debugging, and it's done automatically.

This seems kind of similar in function to "term mon" in IOS. Several
admins can be telnetted into a router with "term mon" on, so they see
things like interface flaps. When they disconnect, "term mon" does not
stay enabled for the next telnet connection, but anyone else that was
connected and had "term mon" on is unaffected.

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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