Re: (PM) Two weeks later, and still no working ComOS

Scott Drassinower (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 18:57:45 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, Florian Lohoff wrote:

> I have the direct comparison at work with Ascend Max 4000/TNT, USR TC (HiPER
> and old Quad/NetServer) and i got a PM3 for doing some hobby ISP things.
> 3COM/USR has by FAR the BEST modem code. I dont like their E1/NetS/NMC/Modem
> splitting but the HiPerArc and HiPerDSP are great.

We have Netservers and there are Sportster users who can't connect to them
with X2, but can use X2 when calling the TotalControl boxes of another
ISP. When a vendor's own products don't interoperate properly, something
is not right.

> Ascend has the best configuration/code management for big networks.
> RADIUS configuration for DIALOUT location on reboot and/or request.
> Easy configuration dumping/restoring via TFTP... I get a replacement
> box up and running in <5 Minutes with ALL configurations etc. They
> have known performance problems at 4xE1 on a 4000 so you may only
> put 2 on it (TNT has similar problems).

Getting a PM2 or PM3 up and running takes about 5 minutes. No silly menus
or things like that to get in my way. Out of 10 PM2s and 4 PM3s, I never
have needed a replacement box (a replacement BRI card yes, but not a
totally hosed box).

> The PM3 is a small handy thing and in comparison is very cheap. The
> ComOS needs a complete redesign to keep up with current NetWorkManagement
> needs (Remote configuration etc) but the modem code seems to be the worsest
> of all the above.

You don't consider telnet remote configuration or management? What about
PMVision for either one? There really isn't a whole lot that one needs to
do once they get a box up and running.

I'd love for you to elaborate as to why ComOS needs a complete redesign.
With the exception of the V.90 modem code (which we have had pretty good
results with, compared to other people), it rocks. 3Com's new (4.whatever)
Netserver software that isn't based on ComOS is crap. Lucent sees that
new features for some platforms (like NAT or NFAS) are needed are and
working on it.

 Scott M. Drassinower
 Cloud 9 Consulting, Inc.			       	     White Plains, NY
 +1 914 696-4000

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