Rick Smith (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 18:30:58 -0400 (EDT)

sorry, MZ, that's bullshit.

things happen, people lose link, techs simply forget to
turn off debugging.

what the hell is the problem with setting it to default
to off upon opening a telnet session

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, MegaZone wrote:

|Once upon a time Rick Smith shaped the electrons to say...
|>We've discovered a grave insecurity in ComOS*****
|No, you didn't. This has a been well known for years and years. The
|debugging interface is disassociated fom the telnet session. It is
|simple to avoid this - TURN DEBUGGING OFF. If you lose link, reconnect,
|'set console', 'set debug off', 'set debug 0x0'.
|Debugging is allowed to stream BY DESGIN - you can set console to point to
|any port. Like one with a printer on it, and start debugging and it will
|stream there - with no connection active on the port. It doesn't treat
|the telnet any different. The admin should be intelligent enough to
|turn things off.
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