Re: (PM) Modem not answering (fwd)

MegaZone (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 12:36:36 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jesse Shrieve shaped the electrons to say...
>accepts connections. Thanks a bunch. :) What you say above also seems true.
>When I change the 1, 2 and 3 speeds to 57600 or 115200, it answers but the
>client can't communicate with the portmaster. The client eventually drops

Speed mismatch, the modem is sync'd at 38400, you need to resync them
after upping the port speed. If the modem table is set properly, then
resetting the port will. Otherwise you need to talk out to the modem from
the PM, like with 'attach'.

>Also, what should I set the session-timeout to disable it? I don't want a
>session to ever be disconnected at a set time limit. Setting it to 0 seems

0 disables it, or just don't set one.

>causes the client to be disconnected in about a minute with the termination
>cause being the session-limit.

I expect it is something else, and the cause is in error.


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