(PM) PM-3 lockup ComOS 3.8b17

Dan Omick (domick@ntscom.com)
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 14:05:27 -0500

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I have a PortMaster 3 running ComOS 3.8b17. In the last week it has =
locked up twice. Our other PM-3 running 3.8b15 has not had this =

Is there a more recent version of ComOS that is available?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Dan Omick,

NTS Communications

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I have a PortMaster 3 running ComOS = 3.8b17.   =20 In the last week it has locked up twice.  Our other PM-3 running = 3.8b15 has=20 not had this problem.
Is there a more recent version of ComOS that is=20 available?
Any help or advice would be = appreciated.
Dan Omick,
NTS Communications
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