(PM) Pool-Size No Worky

Perry J. Blalock (perryb@badger1.net)
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 08:36:20 -0700

Hello Folks:

I'm running ComOS 3.7.2c3 on my PM3 and the pooled address assignment
doesn't appear to be staying within the range that I give it. I'm assuming
that the following commands would start the dynamic address assignment at
100, and limit it to 130 - right???

"set assigned"
"set pool-size 30"
"save all"

Here is what a clip from my "sho global" after the above commands

Assigned Address: (Pool Size 30)


Now, the only problem is that the PM3 is assigning numbers within the
.100-.130 range AND above this range as well i.e. .131, .132,.133 etc. Is
this a bug? Is anyone else having this problem? I sure would like to be
able to contain the PM3s address assignments - never had this problem with
my PM2es.

Feedback would be cool.


P.S. please read this message before responding

Perry J. Blalock
BadgerNet Communications
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