(PM) filters - 2 questions

Dick Balaska (dick@buckosoft.com)
Mon, 13 Jul 1998 04:17:56 -0400

Dudes and/or dudettes:

I use my PM as the hole in the wall for my small office.
All the different do's and don'ts has given me a wacky filter list.
Is there any way to add comments to the filter list?
'Sure would make it easier to maintain.

Also, it would be nice if in addition to "permit" and "deny" there was
an option to "let them eat static".
I see no point in being friendly to the port scanners; i would like to
tie up his tcp ports for a bit (especially on the machines that don't exist)

`-._ ________-_______ "----
//_| | \ Dick Balaska / | | _\\
(_____|_|__= Waterbury CT +1.203.757.6994 =__|_|_____)
_\_____=___ http://www.buckosoft.com/ ___=_____/_
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