(PM) Dial thru PABX

Dave McLaughlin (dave_mclaughlin@netmedia.com.au)
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 17:14:44 +1000

I have a customer with a USR Sportster Voice 33.6 Fax/Modem who can only
connect at 2400bps.
We're running a PM 3, comos 3.8.b13, Radius 2.1.b12 NT.
1. She was unable to connect initially at first, after using the 6 trailing
commas we got a 2400bps connection.
2. Used every init string i could get my hands, enabled/disabled compression
to no avail.
3. Discovered it was going through a PABX, tested it with another provider
who use Cisco gear and got a solid 28800 connection.
3. Tested with a NetComm Roadster 33.6 and had exactly the same problem.
Where could I look next?
Any advice appreciated...

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