(PM) Re: (RADIUS) Need sample users file

Thomas C Kinnen (tom@lcp.livingston.com)
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 14:08:40 -0700

>Hi! I need a sample users file for radiusd 1.16
>I found a tech note on the Livingston web site at:


should help you out. Also I would recommend upgrading to 2.x radius as the
current on-line manual reflects changes in the names/value pairs that has
happened so you may need to do some changes from the above sample. There
should be a sample users file in the archive of radius 1.16 also.


Thomas C Kinnen - <tom@lcp.livingston.com>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
<URL:http://www.livingston.com/> * <URL:http://www.lucent.com/dns/>

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