Thomas C Kinnen (tom@lcp.livingston.com)
Mon, 6 Jul 1998 16:16:15 -0700

>After one (1) successfull login, it breaks and NO log info is generated
>thereafter!!! The Radius clients and the Radius test utility on another
>machine cannot contact the Radius Server. Then the Radius server will not
>Stop and Start correctly, I have to reboot my machine to correct.

Check your security setup on the SQL server. I had a problem like that at
one time due to the SQL server refusing to allow RadiusNT to insert into the
DB. I set RadiusNT to run under the Administrator account and set the DSN
to use trusted security and it went away.


Thomas C Kinnen - <tom@lcp.livingston.com>
[Test Engineer - Radius ABM] - LUCENT Technologies RABU
<URL:http://www.livingston.com/> * <URL:http://www.lucent.com/dns/>

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