Re: (PM) Which router to use for BGP-4?

Jordyn A. Buchanan (
Fri, 3 Jul 1998 19:25:00 -0400

At 6:16 PM -0500 7/3/98, Tim Tsai wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 03, 1998 at 04:14:07PM -0400, Jordyn A. Buchanan wrote:
>> If you are just planning on connecting a couple of T-1s to two upstream
>> providers, a solution like a 7206 is MASSIVE overkill. For a scenario like
>> that, a Cisco 3600-series (even a 2600-series) or a Portmaster IRX will
>> probably do the job fine. We're currently running 5 T-1s through a 3640
>> with 3 BGP views, and it doesn't have any problems with the load.
> A smurf attack against the router itself on a single T1 will completely
>eat up the CPU on the 3640. Can the PM3 do better?

I don't get it. A Smurf attack is just packets, right? I've seen our 3640
handle a whole lot more than a saturated T-1 worth of packets. In fact,
the one time we were smurfed, the line that got toasted was running into a
2501, and its processor was able to handle the load, the line just sat
maxed out for a while... (We even got legitimate packets through now and
then, but they were an unfortunately small part of the total flow...)

What is it about a smurf attack that makes it CPU-intensive?


|Jordyn A. Buchanan |
|Bestweb Corporation |
|Director of Technology +1.914.271.4500 |

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