Re: (PM) 3.8b17 - SlIp

Florian Lohoff (
Fri, 3 Jul 1998 10:39:23 +0200

On Tue, Jun 30, 1998 at 11:27:42PM +0200, Ralf Sauther wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Olaf Klein wrote:
> > Don't know, I have 1000 customers on my PM3, and they kill me every time,
> > I install a new ComOS, because everything after 3.7.2 was only a piece
> > of shit. Slip isn't working, Modems don't get connects (the 3.7.2 K56flex
> > support is a joke, but 3.8.x is uglier). If I could sell my portmaster
> > for the Price I payed for it, I would go and try everything else...
> Well, as we all know from Megazone it was and it will be a problem
> installing BETA software on a production machine. So far, so right.
> But: The last real ComOS release (3.7.2c3) was in January (!). That is
> *far* too long for my opinion. And that damn sentence "it will be ready
> when it is ready" is complete bullshit. In Germany you could give up your
> company whenever you want if you would tell your customers such words. And
> it makes no difference, if you sell those upgrades or not.

No customer would choose you if you come up with this sentence ... I think
livingston has to increase the number (or decrease interval) of
stabilize phases and or final release. Dont put MANY features into one
release only one and stabilize ...

> I have upgraded our three PM3's since 3.5, remembered the desaster in
> replacing the good old V.34-Cards to those K56-Cards. I also remember the
> problems that our customers have, when they try dialing in into this
> "nice" cards. And i remember "standing in the rain" with our
> dialin-problems even after reporting those to Livingston. We did not even
> get an acknowledge on it. Nothing. We only had the work for complaints,
> support and error-discovery of our customers.

Same here ... i had a reboot problem with b15 and reported it to support
didnt get an ACK nor any statement of knowning the problem nor asking
further informations. After b17 was out i asked if the reboot problem
would have been fixed (or tried to) and did not get any answers.
Great support ... tahnk you Lucivingston.

> I am pretty disappointed, that the development of ComOS went this way.
> It gives the touch of "banana software", which matures at the customer
> :( Too bad.

I am disappointed to ... there are many features which i would like to see
in the ComOS ... (dialout radius configuration liek ascend does)
and much more ... But they even seem not to be able to deal with
the current code.

> The PM3 is a solid product (only two failures on 3 Units in 2 Years), but
> the software is far beyond the hardware. And it makes me thoughtfully, if
> i see, that even our distributor isn't very lucky this situation. How
> should i recommend other ISP's products from Lucent ?

This is the point. At my current situation i would have bought an
Acend Max 4000 if i would have known this. I currently manage
a lot of Ascend Maxes TNTs and Total Controls at work and only
one PM3 ... and the PM3 is from modem connect stability and
interoperability far beyond.


Florian Lohoff      	+49-5241-470566
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