Re: (PM) MTU size?

David Wolfskill (
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 20:47:01 -0700 (PDT)

>Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 09:55:07 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Jake Messinger <>

>Keep in mind too that MTU size is just a MAX. Packets can be as small as
>40 bytes (basically the header data and 1 byte of REAL data).
>I was always told that lowering MTU would improve interactive connections
>like Telnet but I dont think it does.

Well, if you're TELNETting & (say) FTPing at the same time, the smaller
MTU can help the TELNET session(s), since the TELNET packets thus have a
higher probability of being able to "sneak in" between the FTP packets.

Of course, if connectivity to the FTP site is such that the line has a
significant amount of idle time, the lower MTU doesn't buy you

(Web-browsing a page with lots of graphics might easily substitute for
"FTPing" in the above example. Basically, the issue is that there is,
as far as I know, no way to provide "quality of service" for certain
types of traffic; traffic is merely queued, packet-by-packet, first
come, first served.)


David H. Wolfskill
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