Re: (PM) PM3 / DNS server automaticaly Assigned

John Gonzalez/netMDC admin (
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 18:35:02 -0600 (MDT)

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Marc HO-A-CHUCK wrote:

> Hi,
> Running
> PM3 (PRI connected)
> ComOs 3.8b15
> Radius 2.01 (livingston)
> Is it possible to configure the PM3 to enable our client to leave "Assigned
> DNS server" in Windows PPP remote access.
> Have searched for it everywhere with no success :-(

if it's a win95 machine (the newer SR's definetly do it, i'm not sure
about the original 'upgrade' release, but osr2, and osr2.5 do it) if you
leave the dns numbers blank, they will be automaticly assigned, even with
the default pm3 configuration, AFAIK.

John Gonzalez
MDC Computers/netMDC! Internet Services
(505) 437-7600 /
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