(PM) PPP Negotiation Fails Over BRI

Mark Borchers (markb@infi.net)
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 16:23:12 -0400

The following is the subject of a six-day old trouble ticket
w/Livingston-Lucent. I'm hoping someone on this list can shed some
new insight.

Customer with OR-U normally connects to ISP PM-2 over BRI's as shown
below. This setup was working for ~nine months until thunderstorm
activity last week:

------ ------
| OR-U |---BRI----| Telco |---BRI-----| PM-2 |
------ ------

Situation now:

- OR-U can complete ISDN call to PM-2 but cannot establish PPP.
- OR-U CAN establish PPP with a test PM-2 via a long-distance ISDN.
- PM-2 can establish PPP via long-distance call to same test box.
- Telco says "nothin' wrong with our gear"
- IP configs on OR-U and PM-2 have been verified and re-verified.

Boxes at both endpoints can make successful PPP connections using the
circuits and ports in question; they just can't make them with each
other via the local switching equipment. Telco states they can't
possibly be part of the problem at the PPP layer.

Any help appreciated.

Mark Borchers
Network Engineering Dept.
Network Two Communications Group
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