Re: (PM) PM2 with BRI cards (fwd)

Jon Lewis (
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 20:07:11 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Chad Scott wrote:

> Can you be more specific about the "ISDN bugs" you're referring to?
> Support isn't psychic (although it seems that way to some of us) and they
> can't just pull the correct answer out of thin air. You need to help the
> support crew out as much as you can: run the box in debug mode and capture
> the data until it fails or has its problem. Then call support and inform

Did that months ago. I've still got 42mb of debug output I captured over
multiple failure incidents back in January and February. Livingston was
given the data. If they want me to capture more debug output, I'm
perfectly willing to do so.

> them that you've got debug information. Offer them a phone number they
> can call to send a call to the box in question, and give them an IP
> address and the !root password.

Did that too. They even loaded special debugging versions of ComOS on the
box. Nothing ever came of any of that though.

> I don't think you need to escalate this yet. If you feel you do, then by
> all means do so. However, I think if you follow my advice above and
> really get some concrete information support can use you'll get a
> solution.

Ask Patty and Paul about ticket 51393. Are they still with the company?
Should I be asking for someone else instead?

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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