Re: (PM) IRX-114 and T1 Problem

Jack Cole (
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 15:55:08 -0500

>On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Jack Cole wrote:
>> Hi I have an IRX-114 that I upgraded from a 111. I used the 111 with a
>> DDS. I am now trying to set this up to work with a FT1 256k frame relay.
>> am using the V.35 cable that I used with the Adtran 56k CSU/DSU with my
>> Adtran TSU. The port establishes the connection fine, but I cannot ping
>> anything on the other side. I know that v.35 cable works with 56k at
>> Do you need a different kind of v.35 cable with a TSU or are they all the
>> same?
>Hrm, if the connection gets made, I doubt the pinging is a cable issue.
>AFAIK the cable is the same. Ive sold 111's to people with the smae cable
>and they used adtran csu/dsu's tsu's, etc... and never heard a complaint.
>So the ONLY difference is the TSU now?
>> The TSU is set to external clocking.
>That is correct.
>> I will post some of my configuration soon in a different message.
>Did you cange ANY config in the 111, does the original t1 circuit still

The unit was used on the same frame relay circuit, but the IP address of the
port is different and I have a different range of IPs. I am using another
111 on the old 56K circuit. The configurations are very similar. I can do
a show arp frm1 and it shows the following: at 04:01

Does this mean that it sees the router on the other side? I entered the
dlci manually. I will post the configuration as soon as I can.

Jack Cole

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