Re: (PM) 3.8b17 {My Comments}

Tim Flavin (
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 10:26:53 -0500 (CDT)

On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, John Lange wrote:

> HI
> My comments...
> We have not tried b17 yet, thanks for being the guinea pigs.
> We are currently running b14 and are still having v.34 problems, (2c3
> yeally sucked here) primarily with MWave and Lucent modems. One Megahurts
> customer cannot connect.
> Many many customers report trying 10 to 35 times before a successful
> connection. Even with a new USR Sport v.90, which had been working well
> for many customers.
> This sucks. We just converted 107 lines from analog to digital, and are
> loosing customers by the handful. The Lucent tech I was working with went
> on vacation, and I am high & dry.
> ???Question, could this be because of telco provisioning??? CT1 AMI D4

Ack!!! That is line-side T1, no chance of PCM connections ever working
with that setup. These are not digital lines in reality, they are regular
POTS lines shoved into a D4 channel bank at the CO and ride a T1 to you.

I've never seen a report of Line-side working well with a PM3 no matter
what version of ComOS is run.

> >3. Radius Stop records do not include the Framed-IP-Address attribute,
> >which we use to identify abusers if somebody complains (search for the
> >appropriate Stop record at that time and then find the correct IP - now
> >you first have to search for the Start record to find the IP).
> This one is REAL important here also, we do "ALL" of our accounting with
> the STOP records. RadiusNT & Emerald.
> Thanks for letting me vent.
> JOhn :}
> John C. Lange, Sr. PALACE dot NET, INC.
> MICRO-TECH Computers, Inc.
> 608.742.1601 & 6980 2800 New Pinery Road
> Portage, WI 53901
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