3.8b17 fix - was (PM) Megahurts (hehe) vs. B17 code

Joe Brewer (joe@Net1.Net)
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 01:11:31 -0500 (CDT)

I'm assuming this will fix your problems. I haven't tested it with a
"Megahurts" modem but it fixed our problems with a few others.

When a customer calls in with the "Unable to negotiate compatible set of
network protocols" problem, have them go into their dial-up networking
config and turn off all protocols EXCEPT TCP/IP. Also instruct them to go
into "Control Panels/Network" and remove all protocols other than TCP/IP
from the bindings for their dial-up adapter. Removing the extra protocols
from the dial-up adapter bindings may cause them problems if they are using
those protocols and that dial-up adapter for other connections. Removing the
extra protocols (Netbios, IPX/SPX) from the "Control Panels/Network" config
may not always be required, but we have found that in some configurations it
is. It's always best to be safe if they are not using the dial-up adapter
for anything other than Internet access.

We first ran across this problem a few years ago before we and switched to
Portmasters. Since then we have always instructed our customers to do this
as part of their set-up. When we switched to b17 we had a few customers call
in, turning off everything except TCP/IP fixed the problem. Traditionally
ComOS hasn't cared, but in this rev of BETA code it does make a difference.

I hope this helps, post back to the group if it does. I'm sure others will
want to know. I don't know what the deal with the @! is, I never encountered
it before b17 but it seems to be associated with the above mentioned problem.
Perhaps a Beta Engineer could fill us in (please) as to it's exact meaning.

I've been very pleased with b17. Even with it's few quirks, Livingston beta
code is still better than the production code most of others are putting out.

Joe Brewer

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