Re: (PM) OSPF question

Jon Lewis (
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:43:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, Tim Tsai wrote:

> We have OSPF setup between a Cisco router and two PM3's (newly upgraded
> to b17 - mostly a testing pool).
> Anyway, I assign myself a static IP in RADIUS and have noticed something
> that I don't quite understand:
> 1) dial-up to ts1 and everything works good.
> 2) dial-up to ts2 and works fine again.
> But, a traceroute for #2 shows the route going through ts1.
> Shoudln't ts1 have automatically deleted the route once I disconnected?

A traceroute from where? I've seen certain IOS versions not let go of
OSPF routes.

Jon Lewis <> | Spammers will be winnuked or
Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever
Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient.
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