Re: (PM) E-petition --- yes or no

Josh Richards (
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 16:34:58 -0700 (PDT)

On 16 Jun 1998, Larry Vaden wrote:
> |Note that voting on such is quite unlikely to actually make it happen.
> |Only grunts like Josh, Chad and I actually spew onto the list, though I
> |assure the upper-muckities do read it.
> Let me inform you of something (IMHO) --- in some firms, including this
> one, major capital expdenditures are not made on the words of "grunts"
> (your word, not mine).

That is sort of the point... If you want official answers regarding
current or future product features, you should speak with somebody in
Sales (which does NOT mean you are left speaking with just sales
droids...there are Engineers that are part of the Sales staff for a

I missed some of this thread (well actually just haven't gotten to reading
it yet..). But obviously, Andy, myself or anybody else hanging around on
this list is not going to suddenly "announce" that xDSL technology or
anything else along similar lines is available for the PM line (at least
not unless it has already been announced publically somewhere). That is
where a Sales person is required. And many times an NDA can come in handy
(provided free of charge). :-)

If the policy of your company is not to listen to "grunts" then I can't
even understand why you are making your request(s) here.. Call your Sales
Rep...they will be much more useful as well as more officially a
representive of Lucent RABU to YOUR company then this list will ever be.
If you are real-world-in-the-field feedback from *users* you use the
pm-users list.. If you want *official* information or support, you call
the company. Simple.


Josh Richards - <> - <>
[Beta Engineer] - LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
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