Re: (PM) Modem connection difficulties

Rick Krug (
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 21:58:20 -0500 (CDT)

A couple of years ago we installed some Total Control hubs, and noticed
the same problem with some Sportster users. As I recall, from the client
side we saw almost every frame had a CRC error. About the only thing that
went through was a ping, and only occasionally. USR claimed the problem
was the Sportsters, and upgraded some customer modems, after which things

If it isn't hardware, are you sure you don't have any overlapping IP
pools? You might grep your detail file to see if anyone else was using
the IP this user was assigned.

On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, System Administration Staff wrote:

> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 19:56:56 -0500 (CDT)
> From: System Administration Staff <>
> To:
> Subject: (PM) Modem connection difficulties
> I've noticed a disturbing new pattern of connection problems forming with
> my users. I'm running PM3's with ComOS 3.7.2 and K56Flex modems installed.
> A caller will dial in and get connected at good speeds (40+ K with a Kflex
> modem, 33.6 with a V.34). However, _often_ she will not be able to
> transfer data. No name resolution, no pinging (name or number), etc. She
> seems to be assigned an IP address (winipcfg in Win95) as well as name
> server address, all of which are correct. The darned connection just
> refuses to transfer data. This user states that the same problem happens
> with both her Jaton Modulator56 (rockwell chip) and her Atlas 33.6 on two
> different boxes, but with the same phone line. And (of course), she can
> connect to the local Bell internet service at light speed every time.
> The bad part - she's an example out of a group of about 10 such calls I
> fielded this week. Any ideas?
> Steve Dispensa
> Systems Administrator
> Midwest Internet Services
> -
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