Re: (PM) logging

Frans ter Borg (
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 10:13:34 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 21 Jun 1998, Alexander Blauvelt wrote:

> Ok this is a stupid question as well. Do I need to reboot the pm3 to get
> it to start logging ? Or something special I have to do to syslogd? I
> did set loghost and changed the facility but nothing is getting sent to
> the loghost...

When using syslog you have to create the logfile (ie. `touch logfile`) and
then kill -HUP your syslogd. Syslog won't create the logfile by itsself.

rebooting the PM3 is not necessary.


Frans ter Borg                       * *      EuroNet Internet BV
Network Operations                 *     *    Herengracht 208 - 214
                                  *           1016 BS Amsterdam
E-mail:           *            Tel: +31 20 535 55 55 

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