Daniel Henry (pchenry@koyote.com)
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 13:43:44 -0500

This list used to be a GREAT source for Livingston technical related info
It seems now thats its just a bunch of 'know it alls' cutting each others
heads off ...
and telling each other how much they know ... or think they know. PLEASE
PLEASE PLEASE .. hasnt everyone figured out that the MOANING doesnt do SHIT
for the V.90 OR COMOS BETA code situation. SHUT UP!!!!! I am just as
frustrated as anyone else but it does NO good for us who use his list for
useful info. If I was the moderator of this list .. I would 1st warn ..
and then put a 1 month BAN on the people that abuse it, and use it for a
VENT for their frustrations!

Daniel Henry e-mail: pchenry@koyote.com
Vice President / Systems Administration
Koyote Internet
PO Box 1171 Phone: (903)886-8767
Commerce, TX 75429 Fax: (903)886-8662

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