(PM) route adding help?

Randy Norton (rnorton@hotcity.com)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 19:47:57 -0700 (PDT)

Hey all.. I'm in a bind.

I've got a Livingston Portmaster IRX ComOS 3.7.2R here, and I'm having
some trouble adding a class C to a box that is being co-located here.

Physically, our net connection looks like this.

NET --> PortMaster ---> LittleUsers(Tm)

Now, the box is local to the router, and the box is setup to have the
portmaster as it's gateway. That's all taken care of.

But, when trying to add the route like this:
core-hotcity-1> add route 1 ether0

We're presented by the following lovely error:
Warning: Gateway is not directly connected - marking as Unknown
Route entry successfully added

So, well, in a nutshell, how do we actually go about routing this class C?
The book wasn't exactly helpful when it came to that error msg & how to
fix it.

The sooner we can get help the better. Thanks.


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