Re: (PM) Mailing list devalued

Dave Stewart (
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 16:23:31 -0400

At 03:57 PM 6/19/98 -0400, Rick Smith claimed...
>Come on. Lucent's got thousands of programmers they could throw
>at something like this. There's a LOT of political mess, I hear,
>and that's what's actually holding things up.

Don't you think it would take longer to bring "Lucent" programmers up to
speed on ComOS than it would to just let those who've been with it for
years deal with it? More is not necessarily better.

>we've been promised and we're paying for. What're you doing besides
>losing time, customers and money ?

I just checked with accounting, and we're not getting bills for options -
so I'm not sure what it is you're paying for that you're not getting.

You're probably going to claim you've been promised v.90... funny thing is,
you want it before the standard is ratified. I don't understand why.

As for losing time, customers and money... our revenue increases fairly
substantially every month... and we're not even running b15. So if that
constitutes losing money, then, hell, I'm willing to lose money like this
for months on end.

I've said this time and again, but apparently there are some very hard
heads out there: If you are losing customers because you don't have v.90
(wheee... let's trot out a standard that really isn't), you're definitely
doing many, many things wrong. And it ain't that you don't have v.90 - we
don't, and grow 100+ customers a month...

Here's the way it looks from here:


1) those ISPs that are losing customers and (allegedly) money are doing
something wrong


2) those ISPs that explain the truth to their customers and continue to
grow _without_ v.90 are doing something wrong.

Pick one, but it can't be both. Of course, if you really believe it's
Lucent's fault, then sue 'em. But put up or shut up.

Dave Stewart
System Manager
Homenet Communications, Inc.
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and annoys the pig.
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